Manual - How to run Web Apps
Double click the above link or type the following blue line in the addess bar
to display the following list of mathematical topics .
- Add-App/
- Addition/
- Basic Algebra/
Double click any one of your choice that will lead to the following web applicaion page.
For Example :
Double click Addition you will see the following page.
(you are strongly advised to open the application "addition" and actually work line by line with this manual)

Notice in the above page that :
Left hand Panel - Menu
Right hand panel - Application browser page
Notice the radio buttons:
Method and 1-digit are selected. If you
click "Next Problem" button
You will see the following browser on the application page with different numbers

keep on clicking "Next problem" to get the next browser page with new problems.
Pull dowwn menu :
Below "How many numbers? ", there is "Two" in the white bar with little arrow on the corner, this is pull down menu.
Click that little arrow, you will see the content inside, Three, Four, etc. Select any one of those numbers:
Let us select four and click the "Next Problem" button, you will see the following page in the browser with different numbers.

Keep on clicking "Next problem" to get the next browser page with new problems.
Next, change the selection on radio button say
1-digit to 2-digit and click the "Next problem"
you will see the following browser page.
In this way, you can play around with different combination of digits and numbers in the drop down menu to learn the method of addition. Similar techniques follows for the method in other chapters as well. Once you are familiar with the methods and gained the confidence on subject materials, you will be excited to do something on your own. Next section Practice will serve your purpose.
Switch the radio button selection from Method to Practice on top of the menu, you will see the following browser page.

Notice that the new items of the menu, Select which? with options Question and Answer pops up this time. Also notice that the following buttons are selected
1 - digit
you can click "Next Problem" for the next problem page. You can see the question on the browser page according to the selection. Work on the problem, when you finish your work, fill your answer in the white space of the "Your Answer " box. Select the answer button to check your answer, your page will look like the following page.
Once you are done with the problem, you will be excited to do the next problem. you need to follow the following instruction to browse the next problem.
Select Question button and click the "Next Problem" button.
your new page will look like the following
Each time when you want to have new problem, you need to execute the following 2 lines of instructions
Select Question button
Click Next Problem